Kinda looks like the whole rear quarter might be custom. The fender contour behind the wheel looks deeper than stock to me.
The rack and pinion system I would think would be more of a gimmick than something reliable. Somehow they have to have movement between the column and the unit itself and I just cannot see a typical slip shaft holding up to something like that. I could be wrong but the idea of it just seems crazy.
A few other miscellaneous items. Dynacorn still has the Bronco on the poster in their booth but none of their documentation listed it. I'm sure Broncobowsher will get the straight skinny from them.
Ten or more years after the Bronco concept was shown, you still see its image here and there. This year it was used on the banner for a lighting company.
And Retrosound is working on a power window kit for Broncos. It's still under development so no price is available. Per usual SEMA style, the owner said, "check our website after the first of the year".
Todd Z.
I know the builder of the Bronco and the guy who designed the rack system. So I got a chance to drive the bronco before it shipped to SEMA. It was amazing to drive... like no other bronco I'v driven before! The guy who designed the rack is specialist in steering components and systems. He is supplier of steering components to Bronco parts house already. So he knew the system had to be well planned and thought out to hold up all types of driving conditions a Bronco might be built for. What's even more impressive to me it's a bolt on system unlike so many other aftermarket things we buy for Broncos now.
I believe he said it was a FLIR. Forward Looking Infrared Radar. Like the Police have on the front of their choppers.