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Survived a close one...

Big Rig

Sr. Member
Aug 19, 2005
San Diego, CA
actually it wasn't that close. i went home for lunch and was rearended by a kid in his mom's rav4 on the way back. even with a stock bumper, i didn't have any damage to my truck. in fact, except for where it wiped the dust off of the bumper, you couldn't tell my truck was touched at all. however, his whole front end was smashed; his radiator was punctured and it was leaking and smoking. :eek: i wish i woulda taken pics but i didn't think of it until just now. just chock this up to one more reason i love my truck.


Bronco Guru
Mar 5, 2004
Eugene, OR
are you okay?

check the bronco close up for any damage. dented gas tank, bent or cracked frame, just check. hidden damage is the worst!
Big Rig

Big Rig

Sr. Member
Aug 19, 2005
San Diego, CA
my truck is fine and so am i. we were going less than 10 miles an hour through a semi-residential area. he didn't get under me (i only have 2.5" lift) so there wasn't any hidden damage. thanks for your concern. i just thought it was funny and wanted to share.
Big Rig

Big Rig

Sr. Member
Aug 19, 2005
San Diego, CA
actually, this is the second time my truck has been hit and came out unscathed. the first was when my girlfriend's roommate backed into my truck really hard. i wasn't in the truck at the time, but i saw it. Big Rig barely moved, but her Mercedes station wagon's rear door was barely hanging on it's hinge.


Sr. Member
Oct 25, 2005
I have a stock bumper that is bent in maybe 1/4 in at the end. Some other poor sucker has a totaled Honda Civic.


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2004
You gotta love todays throw away cars. They are made so cheap and flimsy. Glad you are ok though.


Full Member
Mar 16, 2005
crawln68 said:
You gotta love todays throw away cars. They are made so cheap and flimsy. Glad you are ok though.

Now, if we could all get a little better gas mileage then that would be the best of both worlds huh?

(yay....200 posts!!! Okay, I'll shut up;D)


Sr. Member
Feb 7, 2002
Sandy, UT
Big Rig said:
actually it wasn't that close. i went home for lunch and was rearended by a kid in his mom's rav4 on the way back. even with a stock bumper, i didn't have any damage to my truck. in fact, except for where it wiped the dust off of the bumper, you couldn't tell my truck was touched at all. however, his whole front end was smashed; his radiator was punctured and it was leaking and smoking. :eek: i wish i woulda taken pics but i didn't think of it until just now. just chock this up to one more reason i love my truck.

glad you're ok but that's not what i was expecting here is my close call in my F-250



and the jeep i was towing to sell %)



Early Bronco Student
Jun 18, 2001
ok - localrich, what is the story behind that mess....


Sr. Member
Feb 7, 2002
Sandy, UT
long story

3am 35 miles out of Blythe talking to the GF about getting married on the way to AZ for 4th of July last year to wheel the jeep one last time and deliver it to the new owner, doing 75 in the passing lane because a big rig was entering onto the freeway when out of the blue i spot a car in the road without his lights on in my lane stopped:eek: i hit the brakes ground it down into 4th realized there was no way I'm stopping thought about going to the right since there was a lane there but wait the big rig oh sh#@ pulled the truck left ground it into third hit the dirt and it was all over. The rear of truck started to slide sideways and the heep broke loose witch proceeded to complete the 180 just when i thought i was going to hold it the right rear tire blew digging the rime into the dirt and sending us on the lid. I was stuck between the steering wheel and the roof wrapped around it with my back against the door and my legs across the seat. The truck was still running so I shut it down and started screaming for my GF she finally came to and then i really started to panic when i realized that i could barely breathe i took about 10 minutes for anyone to stop and about 45 for Fire & Rescue to get there the whole time i telling the 20 or so by-standards to open the freaking door somehow so i can breathe and they wont do it one guy even told me he didn't want to be sued %) . so it take F&R about 3sec to get the door open there talking to me about how there going to lift the truck with air bags. I'm thing i can't breathe and you're telling me about airbags. So i pushed and pulled my way out of the truck out onto the broken glass where a EMT is freaking out not to move and grabs my neck. I laugh cuz i really don't care at this point i can breathe. He then asks me to crawl over to the back board%) . the get me in the ambulance and start working on my GF hows still stuck they try to pop the door only to realize shes screaming because the top of the door is wrapped around her arm. off to the hospital we go for some cleanup and a CT. I now have to where glasses and i sneeze a lot but I'm alive and she hos no lasting injuries.

Sorry for the poor grammar and lack of punctuation maybe that's a side effect also;D


Full Member
Feb 4, 2005
One thing about our Broncos - your car IS our crumple zone!

That's one nasty looking wreck localrich - glad you and the GF made it out OK.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2004
My goodness, that's scary! Did either of you have seatbelts on? The whole Law suit thing just drives me crazy!!! If I were there, I'd do it for ya man! Just the day and age we live in. If some idiot can sue for spilling hot coffee on herself, then where's the limit??



Full Member
May 22, 2002
Laramie, WY
The whole "lawsuite" thing is bullshit. There are laws called good samaritan laws that prevent a person from being sued for helping another person in need. Anyone that has had a CPR class knows that. Glad to hear that you are OK.

Oh and the setup for the towing would be fine. Just DON'T hit the brakes hard. We all know how I know;)


Sr. Member
Feb 7, 2002
Sandy, UT
baby_blue said:
The whole "lawsuite" thing is bullshit. There are laws called good samaritan laws that prevent a person from being sued for helping another person in need. Anyone that has had a CPR class knows that. Glad to hear that you are OK.

Oh and the setup for the towing would be fine. Just DON'T hit the brakes hard. We all know how I know;)

lol i work for a law firm and I'm fully aware of the shield laws. i just don't understand how a marine(the first guy on the scence) can let someone suffer and be scared of being sued

i think i paniced too much in hind site i should of just ditched it to the left in the dirt and blew by him at 75 and kept going on my merry way%)

and yes we both had our seat-belts on and i was wide awake i was on my third red bull in 200 miles and had slept from 6pm until 12am then got up and we left Anaheim.

The funny thing is those wheels and tires are on the bronco now and the HP44 from front of the jeep paid for the heads on the bronco motor;D


Sr. Member
Feb 7, 2002
Sandy, UT
74BroncoCO said:
My goodness, that's scary! Did either of you have seatbelts on? The whole Law suit thing just drives me crazy!!! If I were there, I'd do it for ya man! Just the day and age we live in. If some idiot can sue for spilling hot coffee on herself, then where's the limit??


I'm sure i would do anything i could to help get people out of a wreck espeacially after hearing them scream for an hour%) i guess i just don't fit in california i'm always to willing to help anyone