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TERRIBLE service at BC Broncos


New Member
Feb 3, 2005
Castle Rock
I just had the WORST experience with any vendor when dealing with BC Broncos. I ordered 3 items via their website. It took them 2 weeks to send me my items. I only received 2 of the items. I emailed twice before they were delivered asking for an update on when my order would ship with no response until the 3rd email.

After I received only 2 of the items, they called and left a message that the 3rd item price went up and that they needed to charge me more for this item and for shipping.

Now if you were running an honest business, wouldn't you honor you original price that I ordered from your online website and already processed the order for??

After discussing the virtues of bad business practices with the owner's wife, she came to the conclusion that she did not want to work with me on the price increase or extra shipping and that's just the way it is. So, I cancelled the order.

I've ordered thousands of dollars worth of Bronco parts from Jeff's, Duff, Bronco Hut and Wild Horses and had EXCELLENT business dealings with each one of these vendors. In most cases, these vendors were willing to bend over backwards to ensure great customer service. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for BC Broncos. I will NEVER do business with this company again and I would warn others to stay away too. :mad:


Bronco Guru
Jul 28, 2001
unfortunately, in these kinds of situations, we only hear one side of the story. I am sure Debbie didn't just not want to work with you arbitrarily but rather she just maybe, just maybe, had a good reason. 99.5% of the time, BC Broncos has been given thumbs up on this board and many others. Your one experience isn't going to keep me or anyone on here from doing business with one of the best vendors we have. It looks like you were just looking for a reason to bash BC....and if that is the case, that is messed up.


New Member
Feb 3, 2005
Castle Rock
I'm only posting the truth of my experience. If it were my business, I would never jeopardize a new customer's future business over $5.

I have no other reasons to post this but to inform others of my experience. I would have posted just the opposite if they would have been willing to work with me to ensure a satisfied customer.

I'm offended at your comment that I would deliberately bash someone for no reason. Only the facts stated.


Bronco Guru
Jul 28, 2001
well, it is your choice to be offended. I hope Debbie or Chuck chimes in here so we can hear the other side of the story.


Bronco Guru
May 7, 2002
Pueblo, Colorado
I have heard of people having various problems with various vendors and they will not use them again. I know things happen that no one can control. I also know that ordering off the internet is a gamble sometimes, due to the fact that prices go up, stock is low and such. The vendors cannot keep up with changing prices and oft times, the prices reflected on the internet is not the current price. I have had excellent service with every Bronco supply house I have used. Some have even gone above and beyond service to ensure that I have the right part and in a timely fashion. I would not totally cut all ties with a vendor over one problem., but I would lodge a complaint with the hea dof the company as such. This, I think would be a better approach than bashing them on line. I am sure Chuck will get wind of this and reply as well, so we will hear "both sides of the story".


New Member
Feb 3, 2005
Castle Rock
I would love to hear Chuck's input. From the sounds of it, most have had excellent dealings with this company. I'm puzzled then as to why I didn't.

I understand that prices go up on things, but you don't call someone after they have already placed an order with you and their account was already charged and say "gee, we now need to charge you more". That's just bad business. At the very least, If Debbie offered me a compromise to split the difference with her I would have completed the sale and been satisfied. But, nothing was offered to ensure customer satisfaction. Nothing!

The Early Bronco parts target market is only so big and there are a LOT of companies out there trying to capture it.


Apr 20, 2002
Harvest, AL
I have had good luck with all the venders.
But I have never bought "online", I ALWAYS
call my orders in with ALL venders. That is about
as close to realtime as you can get.


Sr. Member
Dec 8, 2004
Springville, UT
Most of the time all Bronco vendors give excellent service. Most of the good transactions go unmentioned, but I've seen a lot of "good-job" threads too. If a vendor screws up, I think it's fair to say so. Pretending everything is perfect when it's not isn't going to help the customers or the vendor.

Like it has been mentioned, I'd like to hear the other side of the story. It sounds like things may have escalated during the phone conversation, and that usually leads to both sides digging in and not budging.

Bronco Wild

Sr. Member
Jan 20, 2005
I second 74bronc and Cracker ;D I have had difficulties with vendors, but all vendors, from other hobbies not just Bronco's...that is the nature of the "beast". This is America and this is what we do (great men and women are fighting for us right now!), and are free to do...work on things you are passionate for (EB's :D )...a big part of that is acquiring things...customers vs. vendors. Makes the world go around dude. Because something got delayed in the mail, or forwarded from another vendor just cannot warrant anger and to add fuel to the fire makes it worse. Just sleep on it ;) We are all in this together and to burn a bridge will leave you behind down the road :'(


Bronco Guru
Jan 27, 2003
Baytown Texas
Were you being a A$$ when you called them or what? I had to ask that since I have had nothing but great service from all of the BC crew even with questions not pertaining to a part that I purchased from them. Who else is going to give you that kind of service?

Something to keep in mind that I learned from JBG is its alwasy best to talk to a real person when placing an order. At least that has always workd best for me and besides, BC has a toll free number.


Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
All the venders are great
All the venders suck

Which statement is true? Both are.

I have had excellent luck with venders that are always being gripped about
I have had lousy service from "the best vender ever"
it goes both ways.

If the customer was always right, we would always get our parts at a discount and overnight shipping would be free. If it wasn't in stock we would get the next better part at no charge.
Unfortunatly I don't live in dulision, but in reality. Venders must put there foot down at times so they don't get trampled. They have to make a living. They may not make the right decision all the time, but that just goes to show that they are human beings as well. Sometimes there foot gets caught under our toes. After the deal is done (or dead?) it is easy to see what went wrong and often forgotten what went right.

I just spent the past 2 weeks trying to order a stroker kit. After 11 phone calls on my part (to the manufacturer for details and the vender who didn't know that they could get the parts I wanted) and 2 from the vender to me, I think that the order is finally in. I am still holding my breath.

This stuff happens all the time. There will always be gripes about every vender out there. The bigger they are, the more gripes you will hear. Not to say anyone is better or worse. It's just they have stuff we want and sometimes the transaction goes smooth and sometimes it doesn't.

The venders have venders of there own, So you have a buddy who works for XYZ pattern shop. you keep him out drinking late one night, he gets a day behind in his job. The pattern ships out late to ABC platics and they are now a day behind. It no longer fits in the program sequence and has to sit for 2 weeks to get parts in production. When the parts finally come out, the shipping is off so there is a little more delay. Now we have a vender who is suppose to start selling the next new gotta have gadget, but it is 3 weeks late. You are mad at the vender, but you were the one holding up production without even knowing it.

Just live with it and get on with your life.

--rant over--


Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2002
Ordering on line is always a crapshoot you want the straight scoop use the phone or get what you get, when you get it, if you get it. It doesnt matter what vendor you use. I deal with a huge number of vendors personal and in buisness and if you order on line it mostly works, if you want stuff by your own schedule use the damn phone thats what its there for. Live, learn and move on, and dont let this happen to you again.
Your choice to what vendors you choose to deal with.

I suggest all vendors record customer calls and post those recordings when they have to answer to customer complaints on the web. that way we can all be a true part of these complaints. There is always 2 sides to the story and in most cases everyone bears a fault in the failure for a happy transaction.

I thank you for your post as maybe the next guy has a better understanding of the pitfalls of dealing over the net.


Bronco Guru
Oct 14, 2004
I just made my first purchase from BC Broncos a few weeks ago. I bought a Ron Davis Radiator. Before ordering I called and talked to a lady and she said the radiator would be shipped to me from RonDavis and it would take about 3 days to get to my location from the time I ordered it. I placed the order online that afternoon from thier website. I immediately received a confirmation of my order and a order number. A week later I still didn't have a charge to my account nor had I recived the radiator. I called and was told the reason for the delay was that the radiator was being built and would be shipped as soon as it was ready. I must say I was a little dissapointed that they had not contacted me with this info. After another week I called again for an update and from that point on they were extremely apologetic for the way this transaction had gone. I now have my radiator and all is well. I will do business again. I do think a $500 radiator should qualify me for a BC catalog. I haven't had to buy one from anybody else yet.


Bronco Guru
Feb 18, 2002
Indian Harbour Bch,
I have $.02 on orering via internet, as some folks said it's a crapshoot...

I HIGHLY beleive that if you offer internet ordering, it better be setup, tested, hackproof, UP TO DATE, and accurate! Otherwise, don't offer it. There are two major advantages to online stores:
1. To give anyone access to a business catalog who has a computer available. This reduces costs of printing, mailing and maintaining a paper catalogue. This also increases the potential customer base because before, those who were on a mailing list were the only ones who got catalogues.
2. On-line stores reduce day-to-day operating costs of a business by reducing the personal normally required to answer phones and become knowledgable on the products. Once an initial cost of setting up a webpage and an account, that's it...

So, I feel that if you offer on-line purchasing, it should be treated, and processed the same as a phone order because you are saving the business $$$ by using their webpage.

cheers and green beer...


Sr. Member
May 26, 2004
Central WA
Hey I'll 2nd the Cheers & Green Beer part! ;D
I do most of my EB parts purchasing online. I guess it's just quicker for me. I still have not made any purchases from BC, but I'm sure the day will come. I won't hesitate to use them based on all the positive remarks from most people on here.


Bronco Guru
May 12, 2002
SW, Arkansas
supermottl said:
I have $.02 on orering via internet, as some folks said it's a crapshoot...

I HIGHLY beleive that if you offer internet ordering, it better be setup, tested, hackproof, UP TO DATE, and accurate! Otherwise, don't offer it. There are two major advantages to online stores:
1. To give anyone access to a business catalog who has a computer available. This reduces costs of printing, mailing and maintaining a paper catalogue. This also increases the potential customer base because before, those who were on a mailing list were the only ones who got catalogues.
2. On-line stores reduce day-to-day operating costs of a business by reducing the personal normally required to answer phones and become knowledgable on the products. Once an initial cost of setting up a webpage and an account, that's it...

So, I feel that if you offer on-line purchasing, it should be treated, and processed the same as a phone order because you are saving the business $$$ by using their webpage.

cheers and green beer...

I'll agree with you on that one supermottl. When I get an email from them saying what I bought and and for what price (total), i expect it to be just that. If they (any seller with a website) can't keep their stock and price up to date on their websit, then thats their problem, not ours. When I get an email from them confirming that, then its considered a contract with me (although it may not hold up in court) Thats part of good business.

I think its a little premature for 74bronc to come to defense of BC Broncos, but its true that they have a good reputation on this board, so you'll have a couple of guard dogs here.. But also I've seen people quite open to criticize Duffs on here (maybe because they are not a big sponsor of this board (as others are)).

From your story, it sounds like you were messed over with this deal, but I have to agree also that it would be nice to hear Chuck or Debbie's version.

Broncobowsher- if you actually think people live with that "dulision", then thats just sad.

The customer IS always right when the vendor comes back and agrees with the buyer that its in stock, the price and the shipping cost are correct.

I've never had problems with BC broncos orders before either, but theres a first for everything.


Full Member
Nov 14, 2004
I have bought a lot of parts from BC and never really had any problems except for my powersteering that I order online. It was back ordered and they forgot to call me and tell me about it. When I did speak to them they said that it must have slipped threw the cracks and they were sorry. Now I could have been pissed about it, but what the hey. I have always had good customer service from BC and I will still do bussiness with them to this day. I would agree about the price of the part going up, and them not trying to deal with you because of a delay in shipping, but everyone is trying to make money and have good service. You will always hear horror stories about whatever company. Don't care what kind of hobby you have you will run into vendors that have great service and bad service.


Bronco Guru
Jul 8, 2003
Twilight Zone
It is like Spiderman's black suit. We have here a symbiotic relationship...when things are good, great....when they go bad, venom, carnage...

ok ok...i digress....we need each other. No vender WANTS to give bad service. I've had bad luck with JBG, waited awhile and ordered again...good luck....

I hope your luck changes soon also.


good day..


Bronco Guru
Jul 28, 2001
sfaforester said:

I think its a little premature for 74bronc to come to defense of BC Broncos, but its true that they have a good reputation on this board, so you'll have a couple of guard dogs here.. But also I've seen people quite open to criticize Duffs on here (maybe because they are not a big sponsor of this board (as others are)).

I don't get it. why was i premature in defending the good business practices that I, and hundreds of other customers on this board, have had with Chuck and Debbie when their honesty and integrity was called into question? All I said is that there are always two sides to the story and that I would like to hear both sides. From the tone of the first post, I sensed that this customer became somewhat beligerant in his lecture to BC Broncos on good business practices. There comes a point in a conversation that I will hang up the phone if someone becomes beligerant with me and that is what it sounds like happened here. Maybe I am read into it too much, but that is what I felt at the time I first read this post. I have found that if both parties stay cool-headed about the issue, a compromise can easily be reached. I never bash vendors, even if they mess up because i realize people are human and I mess up too from time to time. I have always been taken care of and I never get my panties in a knot over 5 friekin' bucks. If I am a guard dog cause of this, so be it. i don't care.