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TERRIBLE service at BC Broncos


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
I'm not really defending either side here but I try to call in all my orders although I have used the internet with good success so far. But if you look at the BC site they state that it may take them a few days to respond to emails because of the number of emails they get and if you need info in a hurry call them. On the other hand if you were quoted a price on a part which your order comfirmation basically did than I agree that is the price you pay and I'm pretty sure that email would stand up in court.

Attitude is another big item in getting good service. if I had a customer that called about a problem with an order there attitude would play a big part in how they were treated if they are calm and trying to be understanding than they will probably get treated better than someone who just starts going off about how they were wronged(of course this is why I couldnt run a business)

I commend all the EB bussinesses out there if it werent for them we would be out of luck and stuck with having to use Ch#vy and J##p parts on our Broncos


Bronco Guru
Mar 22, 2004
I have ordered parts from just about every vendor out there, and had both good and bad experiences. In my opinion, whining on this forum is like whining to momma. There is just too much bashing going on, and we usually get only one side of the story.

I have almost always been able to work issues out by staying calm and being fair. Fingerpointing is useless. Blowing up is useless. Act professionally, and you will be treated professionally.


Bronco Guru
Aug 3, 2004
Essex, Vermont
supermottl nailed it. nothing rips me more than when website prices or information are not accurate. if you have a site, you should honor the prices as if they were a contract or not post them at all (another thing that pisses me off when shopping on the net). i realize the amount of time and effort it takes to maintain a website but if it is not, you will loose business and po customers. i tried to order my clutch from 4 wheel parts and ended up talking to a customer rep that told me "oh, you can't go by our web site, that information isn't correct" --- what is the piont in the web site then? asked if they would honor the web price and he said no! wrong answer:mad: i also ordered my bed liner from durabak directly and when he gave me the total, it was 30 bucks higher than the web site price. the guy said the price had gone up a month ago but nobody had updated the web price. he gave it to me for the web price and said sorry for the mix up. now that is how it should work :)


Full Member
Dec 28, 2004
State of Jefferson

I don't care what vendor you deal with, eventually there will be some situation that is not up to par with what you expect in service....
What it comes down to is $hit happens, end of story. Everyone lives through it.

I have done several thousand $ worth of business with BC and I have had a few situations that I was not the most pleased with but they always made it right in the end and I will still do business and would recommend business to them.



Sr. Member
Sep 29, 2003
Thanks for sharing your experience. I thought I was the only one to get crappy online ONLINE sevice. They seem to be getting better though. Seems like WH and Duffs has the online ONLINE thing down. I think as time goes by BC will come full circle with the online shopping. After an order is placed the vendor can email or call me if they have questions IMO. Sucks that the guard dogs always sing the praises and never want to hear the bad stuff.


Bronco Guru
Nov 12, 2001
I am in no way defending their actions, only posting my experinces as a small vendor, on items that would of happened to me.

66crawler said:
I just had the WORST experience with any vendor when dealing with BC Broncos. I ordered 3 items via their website. It took them 2 weeks to send me my items. I only received 2 of the items. I emailed twice before they were delivered asking for an update on when my order would ship with no response until the 3rd email.
No excuse, IMO, e-mails are a fact of life on an internet bussiness, sometimes you don't get them, somtimes they get lost, sometimes deleted by accident, i am sure one of those happened, picking up the phone is the best way.
After I received only 2 of the items, they called and left a message that the 3rd item price went up and that they needed to charge me more for this item and for shipping.
Now if you were running an honest business, wouldn't you honor you original price that I ordered from your online website and already processed the order for??
No, I would call the Customer as well, i missquoted the price, I have not billed you, I wanted to inform you of the new price.
After discussing the virtues of bad business practices with the owner's wife, she came to the conclusion that she did not want to work with me on the price increase or extra shipping and that's just the way it is. So, I cancelled the order.
No offence, I would of done that, you telling me how to run my bussiness I would have been upset and cancelled your order myself, am I am jeark because of it? Maybe..
I would of worked with you, but because you told me how to run my bussiness and the ethics behind it, I would have been upset.
Again, no way speaking for either party, this is only what I would of done.


Full Member
Jul 6, 2004
Centralia, WA

Obviously none of you have ever had to deal with Qwest customer service. If you can survive that all of this stuff you are talking about is nothing.

I see that both sides of this story were wrong in their own regards. The price changing is BS, but, so too is the getting miffed with the wife of a small business owner whose very job probably is directly related to putting food on the table.

Someone should make those two kiss and make up.


Bronco Guru
Dec 12, 2001
Buffalo Gap, Texas
With all due respect to everyone here. I'd like to weigh in for Chuck and Debbie. I've ordered most of my part from them. NEVER have they NOT bent over backwards to meet me and my needs. Just ask Chuck about a Q-jet carb. Lots of PITA but he never said or did anything but try to make it right and when it wouldn't be right he refunded my money. I can tell you that Debbie was pretty sick just before the TDS run, I know, I went up there at the last minute and even though she was sick she did her best to help me out.
I'm truely sorry you had a bad experience with them. Give them the benefit of the doubt. They're whole operation, mostly family, is high class. Believe me, if they weren't (high class) they wouldn't have many thousands of dollars of mine over the last four years.


Bronco Guru
Jul 28, 2001
raharr3 said:
Thanks for sharing your experience. I thought I was the only one to get crappy online ONLINE sevice. They seem to be getting better though. Seems like WH and Duffs has the online ONLINE thing down. I think as time goes by BC will come full circle with the online shopping. After an order is placed the vendor can email or call me if they have questions IMO. Sucks that the guard dogs always sing the praises and never want to hear the bad stuff.

nobody is saying we don't want to hear the bad stuff, but IMO, it is wise to hear both sides of the story, because there is always two sides. This dude that posted his bad experience has as much right to post it here as I and anyone else have a right to question the situation and defend the reputation and integrity of a business that we have LOTS of successful dealings with.


Full Member
Jul 8, 2004
Central Ohio
69patriot76 said:

Obviously none of you have ever had to deal with Qwest customer service. If you can survive that all of this stuff you are talking about is nothing.

I see that both sides of this story were wrong in their own regards. The price changing is BS, but, so too is the getting miffed with the wife of a small business owner whose very job probably is directly related to putting food on the table.

Someone should make those two kiss and make up.

Damn that hurt, bro! I work for Qwest, and we are trying to better ourselves. It's hard to do when you're working with companies that you bought to try to improve.

In regards to BC and bad service, I hope you're kidding. They are the best of all the vendors I've dealed with, even if they do have to hike order prices or delay my shipments. Bidnaz is bidnaz. I don't consider that poor customer service. I consider that keeping your customer informed. Not like you couldn't cancel it after hearing that the price is actually more than posted.

One thing I wouldn't tolerate is someone telling me how to run my show. I just don't need you're business that much. This ain't Nordstrom's, buddy!


Bronco Guru
Nov 12, 2001
Leo73EB said:
Damn that hurt, bro! I work for Qwest, and we are trying to better ourselves. It's hard to do when you're working with companies that you bought to try to improve.

Quest Diagnostics?
they are one of my larger customers, small world.


Full Member
Jul 8, 2004
Central Ohio
welndmn said:
Leo73EB said:
Damn that hurt, bro! I work for Qwest, and we are trying to better ourselves. It's hard to do when you're working with companies that you bought to try to improve.

Quest Diagnostics?
they are one of my larger customers, small world.

haha! Nope, but I think that is where I took my "pee-pee test" to get my job at Qwest Communications, 6 years ago. ;D Don't worry... I used Golden Seal before showing up.


Sr. Member
Dec 14, 2001
Romulus, AL
HotWheels said:
It is like Spiderman's black suit.

Man i thought i was a nerd. Using Spiderman & his black suit as a simile for the relationship between Bronco venders and Bronco owners.

;D ;D ;D



Bronco Guru
Nov 26, 2003
66crawler said:
I'm only posting the truth of my experience. If it were my business, I would never jeopardize a new customer's future business over $5.

I have no other reasons to post this but to inform others of my experience. I would have posted just the opposite if they would have been willing to work with me to ensure a satisfied customer.

I'm offended at your comment that I would deliberately bash someone for no reason. Only the facts stated.

The fact that you are offended lets me know part of the rest of the story. You may be a more sensative human being than some of the rest of us. You've stated your case and others are going to go to bat for their friend.

So don't buy from there anymore. If you bash Chuck here you will find resistance. This is where he goes to help and talk and most of us appreciate it.

I am curious as to what response would have been to your liking though.

Live long and prosper
Jeff in AZ


Bronco Guru
May 12, 2002
SW, Arkansas
airman said:
The fact that you are offended lets me know part of the rest of the story. You may be a more sensative human being than some of the rest of us. You've stated your case and others are going to go to bat for their friend.

So don't buy from there anymore. If you bash Chuck here you will find resistance. This is where he goes to help and talk and most of us appreciate it.

I am curious as to what response would have been to your liking though.

Live long and prosper
Jeff in AZ

Airman- who cares how sensative a human being "this dude" (as 74bronc likes to call him) is? ?:?

I have this funny feeling that the attitude would not be the same with the forum bruthas if it were a forum brutha with over 3000 posts. Just shows how some of us feel about a newbie.

***(not even referring to BCbroncos)*** The fact is a real company meets the needs of their customers no matter how sensetive they are OR are not. If a company is not flexible enough to understand the desires of their customer, then your size of clientel just got smaller.

And some people are not even reading the first post. It clearly states (in my own words ;D ) that the price supposedly changed AFTER the order was processed.

And ordering online is the number one way these companies make their money. Just ask them. The reasons people call in orders are

1) either they are too old to appreciate the internet
2) they have a question about the part before they order it
3) they don't trust using the credit card online (which is usually safer than using it on the phone)

I had more rant but I forgot it..... %) ;D ;D


Sr. Member
Feb 10, 2004
Arvada, CO
I don't get it with BC. Why are they untouchable on this board? I too have had similar bad internet buying experiences with BC, but kept to myself because you get flamed here for saying anything remotely negative about them. Why insult the originator of this thread? He was just sharing his experience and frustration for our benefit.I think the point here is to share information for the benefit of others, not protect favorites or sponsors. If you don't like it don't read it.

I did try and resolve my issue directly with Chuck (new EFI bracket was advertised as "powder coated" showed up bare, was told to just paint it or return it for refund, order took over a month to get, prices were changed, shipping cost comes as a surprise, etc). Chuck told me if I wasn't satisfied just return everything (on my dime). I certainly would have, but the items I purchased were unique to BC and I had no where else to go and needed the parts for my EFI conversion, so I had to suck it up and just deal with it. I was always polite, understanding and more than patient, but left wondering why me.

Because of the praises on this board maybe I expected too much, but like most of you here I've dealt with all the other Bronco parts houses and generally have had much better experiences with them buying online.

In BC's favor they are better to deal with over the phone and have a wealth of knowledge that they are willing to share. Jason gave me advise over the phone that finally cured my cronic overheating. Chuck also sells and recommends the some best parts for the money, but they have a ways to go to catch up to WH's, when it comes to internet sales. I buy most things over the internet, because I don't have the time during the day to fool around on the phone shopping for parts. Buying a part does not have to be a personally enriching experience, I just want what is advertised on the site for the indicated price in a timely fashion. If you want to keep it small and personal, great, but if you're going to advertise on the internet and be a sponsor on an internet board you'd better have your act together selling on the internet.


New Member
Feb 3, 2005
Castle Rock
Bart said:
With all due respect to everyone here. I'd like to weigh in for Chuck and Debbie. I've ordered most of my part from them. NEVER have they NOT bent over backwards to meet me and my needs. Just ask Chuck about a Q-jet carb. Lots of PITA but he never said or did anything but try to make it right and when it wouldn't be right he refunded my money. I can tell you that Debbie was pretty sick just before the TDS run, I know, I went up there at the last minute and even though she was sick she did her best to help me out.
I'm truely sorry you had a bad experience with them. Give them the benefit of the doubt. They're whole operation, mostly family, is high class. Believe me, if they weren't (high class) they wouldn't have many thousands of dollars of mine over the last four years.

I'll give anyone the benefit of the doubt or a second chance if they are sincere and truely care to make something right. I'm a family man myself and am trying to build a reliable and safe rig for my family to go wheeling in. I wish nothing bad on BC. I bend over backwards for all of my customers and even intrude into my family time when necessary.


New Member
Feb 3, 2005
Castle Rock
COBlu77 said:
I don't get it with BC. Why are they untouchable on this board? I too have had similar bad internet buying experiences with BC, but kept to myself because you get flamed here for saying anything remotely negative about them. Why insult the originator of this thread? He was just sharing his experience and frustration for our benefit.I think the point here is to share information for the benefit of others, not protect favorites or sponsors. If you don't like it don't read it.

I did try and resolve my issue directly with Chuck (new EFI bracket was advertised as "powder coated" showed up bare, was told to just paint it or return it for refund, order took over a month to get, prices were changed, shipping cost comes as a surprise, etc). Chuck told me if I wasn't satisfied just return everything (on my dime). I certainly would have, but the items I purchased were unique to BC and I had no where else to go and needed the parts for my EFI conversion, so I had to suck it up and just deal with it. I was always polite, understanding and more than patient, but left wondering why me.

Because of the praises on this board maybe I expected too much, but like most of you here I've dealt with all the other Bronco parts houses and generally have had much better experiences with them buying online.

In BC's favor they are better to deal with over the phone and have a wealth of knowledge that they are willing to share. Jason gave me advise over the phone that finally cured my cronic overheating. Chuck also sells and recommends the some best parts for the money, but they have a ways to go to catch up to WH's, when it comes to internet sales. I buy most things over the internet, because I don't have the time during the day to fool around on the phone shopping for parts. Buying a part does not have to be a personally enriching experience, I just want what is advertised on the site for the indicated price in a timely fashion. If you want to keep it small and personal, great, but if you're going to advertise on the internet and be a sponsor on an internet board you'd better have your act together selling on the internet.

Well said. You summed it up perfectly.