Well... things didn't go as planned. Went to bleed the brakes, I've done that I don't know how many times, and could not get fluid to the rear right. Went over everything, searched the internet for anything that I was missing, etc etc etc... removed the bleed valve to find it dry and rusted... The rear shoes are in great condition, but I guess letting this thing sit dry for around 10 years killed the wheel cylinder. So I go to the local Napa and pick two of them up. Only problem is I have 10" drums, all they had were 11" in drums wheel cylinders. In case you are wondering, they are not the same. lol.
I order up the correct wheel cylinders and move on. Out of nowhere, the mechanical fuel pump stops working. As in, I'm letting the engine idle and it just runs out of gas. Tank has gas, but nothing is moving. I pull the line off the tank and put it in a portabel gas tank and nothing is moving. I pull the pump and confirm it's gone. No idea why it broke, but it did. Easy replacement and off we go, fuel is flowing. Engine is running again like a slightly pissed off spider monkey...
But the problem now is that fuel is flowing from places it should not be. In the not-so-distant past, I had to replace a brand-new sending unit that had a pin hole in it right next to the "sending" portion of the unit. It held great, apparently up until yesterday. I was so proud of myself... lol.. started tightening things up, zip tying lines, making things look all proper for the much-anticipated new brakes and potential driving next week... Then I come out this morning and the Brand-New Fuel Sending unit, that replaced the old Brand-New Fuel Sending Unit, is leaking again. I'm really hoping it's just a bad hose that came lose or something... but I know my luck.
Oh well, that is why we have these old vehicles right? Rigghhttt?????????