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Search results

  1. B

    Arkansas Boys-Who's ready?

    don't know about saturday but if ya'll stay the night maybe. have to work at childrens hosp on saturday but don't know how long.ya'll have fun if i don't make it
  2. B

    OCBR Website Not Working

    thank's anyway
  3. B

    OCBR Website Not Working

    not working on my computer for some reason
  4. B

    Ducks in the Bronco, last weekend of season.

    i know of a honey hole in holland bottoms north of jacksonville the bad part is that it is 0.9 mile back in the woods
  5. B

    Ducks in the Bronco, last weekend of season.

    we tried that this year those people walk a long ways in there. we were in there about a mile and we were the only boats in there
  6. B

    Ducks in the Bronco, last weekend of season.

    we went to bayou meto the past 3 weekends and killed about 3 or 4 limits total the birds were everywhere but so were the people you would think 30,000acres was big enough but it isn't
  7. B

    Ducks in the Bronco, last weekend of season.

    goose season is still open in arkansas have friends arond stuttgart to hunt on their property
  8. B

    1976 Bronco ***SOLD***

    how much are any offers so far
  9. B

    Ducks in the Bronco, last weekend of season.

    where were yall hunting. congrates on the band was it a money band
  10. B

    9th AnNuAl HoWiEpAlOoZa 2K8

    This is Mrs. Bubba. He thinks he wears the pants in the family but I tell him how to put them on. ;D
  11. B

    9th AnNuAl HoWiEpAlOoZa 2K8

    I had to ask permission but i think i have her talked into letting me go. I would tell you i make the calls around here but she is standing behind me.
  12. B

    9th AnNuAl HoWiEpAlOoZa 2K8

    I am thinking about going and will have empty seats.
  13. B

    Loss to the Bronco family :Update 10-29-07:

    plse let me know the time and directions if you can or if going by yourself contact me and we can ride together. :cry:
  14. B

    Loss to the Bronco family :Update 10-29-07:

    sorry to hear the bad news. our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  15. B

    Official OCBR Picture Thread.

    That is the best t-shirt ever.
  16. B

    Official OCBR Picture Thread.

    What are the dates.
  17. B

    Official OCBR Picture Thread.

    My bill is in the mail. if they are pink get me 2 of them. Will have one next year for you to work on.
  18. B

    Official OCBR Picture Thread.

    Not a problem i enjoyed every minute of the trip to conway. Hope it does not happen next year ha. ha.
  19. B

    Official OCBR Picture Thread.

    I wan't some dixonbilt stickers or a t-shirt