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Search results

  1. S

    4R70W Transmission

    Yes Yes It depends. The later models 98 and up are pretty stout. Read the Transmission tech article. Tom
  2. S

    Sway Bar Design?

    The point of a sway bar is so that when one tire goes up, it pulls the other tire up too. So when cornering, if helps hold the rig flat. This is the opposite of articulation. A stiff sway bar reduces articulation. The nice thing about the newer sway bar designs, is that you can easily add...
  3. S

    Rear Shock Hoops done for 14" travel shock

    The wheel offset will be important. As long as the wheel is set out far enough it should work fine. I was thinking about doing something similar with mine before I sold it. The only things to watch out for are that the upper mount has some swivel room in it. Otherwise the upper mount may not...
  4. S

    GM TBI (Howell) gurus--couple of quick ??s

    Check the routing of the fuel lines. If you are overheating the fuel, then you could be developing vapor lock at the fuel pump, then when it cools of, the problem starts. This can also cause the hunting idle, since if the fuel is partially boiling the injectors won't be sending a consistent...
  5. S

    D20 is a leaking machine

    Two things to check, First, the yokes on these old rigs can wear down at the seal, and then they can't seal. It can look like your bolts are leaking, but its really that the seal can't contact the yoke so it leaks. Also, I had a case, that had a very small crack below the lowest bolt on the...
  6. S

    4R70W gear choices...?

    I had 4.88s 35 and the 4R. It was awesome on and off road. Tom
  7. S

    Need some ideas with steering linkage issue...

    Two words. Flaming river. Tom
  8. S

    Voltage Drop Testing

    Nice Post Ray, A diagram would probably help a lot of people understand. I've used this test myself, and it IMO, is the likely culprit in many guage related issues in these older rigs. Tom PS( there is supposed to be voltage drop in the power to the coil)
  9. S

    Which Steering Box???

    I'd suggest this route http://www.bcbroncos.com/techtips08.html Its called the 4x4x2 conversion. Scout II boxes can be made to work, but they put the arm in front, or you can have different internals put in so it turns the right way. Nissan has some boxes that will work. Use the search button...
  10. S

    Rocks to the dunes, which shocks

    I ran the 7100s in the sand and on the rocks. Way better than the Rancho 9000s.They both get hot, but the 9000s will start to foam once the oil gets hot the oils essentially boils and then they bottom out hard. The 7100s, are under high pressure, so even hot enough to burn your fingers, they...
  11. S

    66 Bronco Doors

    Personally I like the interior latch mechanism on the later doors better. Search around and you can find the instructions on how to make later doors fit on a 66/67. Tom
  12. S

    Fogged up windows - any anti-fog secrets?

  13. S

    Don't wanna end up as a Stinkbug

    I ran the 3.5 winch coils with 4.5 inch leafs. Once the leafs settled in I sat flat. It measured out to a 4 inch height increase at both ends. Tom
  14. S

    What fans do you 5.0 folks run?

    I had the thicker 4 row radiator, so I had to move it forward about 1/2 an inch. Then I could fit the race fan like BC sells. If you have a stock 3 row size (2.25 inches). Then you can fit the race fan without moving anything. You get 3/4 to an inch in front and about 1/2 an inch behind. I...
  15. S

    Shock suggestions?

    The Stock EB mount won't fit the universal style bilstiens. The F250 mount will. The bilstiens are a little longer than low pressure shocks because they have a built in reservoir and the F250 mount allows you to adjust for that. Tom
  16. S

    What fans do you 5.0 folks run?

    Good luck with that. I ran the Mustang serp setup and I was lucky to have 3/4 of an inch in front and 1/2 an inch behind. Tom
  17. S

    What fans do you 5.0 folks run?

    If you have the room, the Tarus electric fan. I was running the flex-a-lite race fan ( similar to the BC fan). It is loud, but did a real good job. Tom
  18. S

    Shock suggestions?

    For what you want to do, I would recommend installing the f250 front shock mount and going with Bilstien 51XX series shocks. The price is only slightly more than for something like Ranchos, but the ride and axle control is sooo much better. Ranchos overheat in just a few minutes of rough road...
  19. S

    Cooling system is driving me CRAZY STILL!!!!!

    Sounds like a leaky head gasket to me. The fact that it continually bleeds off pressure and leaves the radiator low says that you probably have a small leak from a cylinder. It should not be running 210 without a thermostat. Tom
  20. S

    Someone buy Twins???

    for movies they often make several copies