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Search results

  1. sanndmann3

    351w vs 5.0 Explorer

    Yes, I run the lightning upper as well... p.s. its my understanding that the Explorer upper flows similar cfm compared to Lightning... but I think the tubular upper is sexier. ;)
  2. sanndmann3

    351w vs 5.0 Explorer

    I went E.D.I.S. Once I found the Lightning lower, EFIGUY made it plug and play, supplying the harness and tune. Ran great right out of the box.
  3. sanndmann3

    351w vs 5.0 Explorer

    Another vote for 351... I put built mine in 2005, did the serp drive in 2012ish and found a Lightning lower a couple years later. I would love to go 408 but engine runs so good just can't justify making the switch...
  4. sanndmann3

    Electric fan

    I have the Volvo fan and relays too. Works well but lots of pieces to put in place first as Broncobowsher suggested.
  5. sanndmann3

    SOLD Serpentine Belt Drive Ford Explorer 5.0 L

    Thanks for the kind words. :) As of right now, waiting list is zero so let me know if interested.
  6. sanndmann3

    What 4 wheel Disc Brake kit ????

    Another vote for hydroboost and leave rear drum. makes a huge difference.
  7. sanndmann3

    Explorer front dress timing pointer?

    Did you use the Explorer timing cover and balancer? If yes, then just use the Explorer pulse trigger/pointer. Every Explorer or Mountaineer that I have seen has them.
  8. sanndmann3

    SOLD Serpentine Belt Drive Ford Explorer 5.0 L

    Unfortunately, I do not have any extras. Timing cover is the hardest part to get for exactly the reason you described. Damn waterpump bolts... Is always the same 2...
  9. sanndmann3

    The surprises keep rolling in...

    I broke 3 '20s before I went 205. Might want to leave it in there...
  10. sanndmann3

    A Bronco scam too good not to share!

    LOL! Too funny... :D
  11. sanndmann3

    engine building professionals

    I stood the block up with bell housing end down and lowered the cam carefully in.
  12. sanndmann3

    crank sensor wire routing

    Routing for the 5.0 is similar to V6. One of the waterpump bolts has a stud for the wiring to attach to.
  13. sanndmann3

    ADMIN Vote now for the 2021 CB Calendar - Voting closes Sat night, Oct 24th

    Wow, so many to pick from... going to be difficult to narrow it down.
  14. sanndmann3

    4 Wheel Disc or just Front?

    Front disc 1st then I would add hydro boost before I did rear disc . Really makes a difference.
  15. sanndmann3

    Thinking of a 351W swap, things to look out for??

    If you are tossing serp belts, I'm wondering if its an alignment issue. I've never lost one either.
  16. sanndmann3

    Finally going Hydroboost

    You are going to love hydroboost! :) Made my own flat bracket that moved the unit toward the fender. Moved the pedal over to where the clutch pedal would normally go. I never do it the easy way...
  17. sanndmann3

    Laid-Back USA customer experience...

    Love me some "Laid-Back shirts. Have 3 or 4 now and adding a couple to my Christmas list... :)
  18. sanndmann3

    Water pump replacement - tips not to break bolts

    Those 2 waterpump bolts are the biggest pain for me. Watching this thread for suggestions. only one I can offer is heat from a torch to help break thing loose... Too bad junk yards don't allow torches. :(
  19. sanndmann3

    SOLD Serpentine Belt Drive Ford Explorer 5.0 L

    Currently have a short waiting list (1). Shouldn't take long ... See post 451 if you want to get in line.