So, back to some of those changes I spoke of. I decided to add a couple of D ring tabs to the rear bumper that I've been wanting to do for some time and this was a good opportunity to do so.
Also, the rear leaf springs have settled in quite a bit and have lost some of their original lift height. That combined with the fact that when I first installed them I had removed the very bottom tiny little leaf as it was actually shorter than the anti wrap perches and didn't really do anything except maybe provide about a 1/4 inch of height, the truck now is starting to squat a little in the rear with the added weight of the spare tire, passengers, gear, etc...
So, to at least gain that 1/4" back I made a new "leaf", spacer, or whatever you want to call it, one for each side. I pulled everything apart so that I could attach them to the spring packs with the center pin bolt and then reassembled it all. It's not much, but it's just enough to my eye and I'm pleased with the results.