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OCBR 2015 hotel update


Sr. Member
Jan 11, 2009
Orange broncos are the coolest!!

I have to agree with that statement!!


Bronco Guru
Aug 20, 2002
My turn -and believe me... I've given this a LOT of thought...and am still thinking .... I spoke with Charles at KI. and he gave explanation on pretty much everything. head housekeeper quit after 8 years. two new ones... IF maid thought there was a dog in the room (or couldn't tell if there was) - it might not have gotten done. Maid should have reported not done...or office should have been told. mold has been issue as they had leaks during all the rain -leaks are fixed and they are working to get everything cleaned up. 1 construction job is lasting at least thru August so some of those may still be there in Sept. - however, there is another job in town (Texas Environmental) doing something that job lasts 2 years some of those could be there - if we don't book rooms first. - That being said - I bring up the following:
@ Rodeway One year We stayed - manager got a little mouthy with Grant. Dog folks were there - 3-4 in a room so it wasn't 1 car per room. No parking spaces - Manager told G to park on the street - G told him he wasn't paying for a room there to park on the street...Mgr. moved his car... (Dog folks are in town the same wkend as us.) didn't really do 'parkin lot' that year at least not at Rodeway.
Red Roof - Alan had been given keys to his room and put his stuff in. Came back to find that they had re-rented his room - to a family who had already gone thru Alan & Val's things.. I don't remember exact resolution but all of us were very upset over it. First year Honorio came - those who were there gathered by the pool (and ate pineapple!) We weren't loud but they didn't give us any issue about it. Maids were a little sketchy as best I remember. Also took a while for a credit on a room.
Knights - have have their issues as well over the years. Rooms could be upgraded - but....43.00 + tax; yes David $100 does make a difference. We don't leave meds or valuables in the room at KI. I would like to hope that with as many years as we've been there that Charles will 'kick it in gear' to make sure things get done - but he could be gone tomorrow ...or next month, ya never know. Several are staying at Red Roof - several are already booked at KI - and some are at Rodeway.
I may wish I hadn't - but old habits die hard. I have a reservation at KI... and I will be checking with Charles again in about 2 weeks to see how things are going. If it's not good when we arrive - we complain til it is (I know that's a pain in the butt) if they don't - we're not happy and it's the end of OCBR & KI. If we all survived a murder/suicide the night before arrival (or night of arrival) - in traveling, we have caught 1 or 2 that were worse...than KI. Personally, I always take my Lysol/wipes, check for bugs no matter where we stay (now days hotel name doesn't matter to the bugs). The decision is your own to make - I don't want to be responsibile for someone not being happy with their room - that's why everyone has to make their own reservations etc. We only try to get the discounts.
Sorry this got so long.......... KI is 43.00 + tax; Red Roof 53.99 + tax and
approximately $68 at Rodeway. All is ask is that if you travel from one to another for 'parking lot visitin- and cooler of plenty sharing' please HAVE A DESIGNATED DRIVER!!!!!!! We don't want any accidents or tickets!!!


Bronco God
Jun 16, 2001
p.s. - I have put my flame suite on...........

Got my fire extinguisher ready girl :cool:

We have always had some that stayed elsewhere, I have always been satisfied with Knights Inn and in fact Valerie and I found our room at pre run to be the best we had ever had there, old habits are hard to break, and where else can you find the kind of surprises Valerie has found in our dresser drawers there ;D

So no matter where my friends stay, they will still be my friends and if they need a ride to get from one motel to another I will do my best to see that they have it :cool:


Guru ????
Oct 30, 2007
Can't wait for Ocbr ,I could sleep in the truck next to howie snoring in his tent and would have a great time and believe me he can snore :)so red roof , Knights inn, roadway or where ever let the fun begin . Christine I lost my lighter :-*


Mar 8, 2007
Can't wait for Ocbr ,I could sleep in the truck next to howie snoring in his tent and would have a great time and believe me he can snore :)so red roof , Knights inn, roadway or where ever let the fun begin . Christine I lost my lighter :-*

lol, I've heard that snore before too Funny


Bronco Guru
Nov 13, 2004
Knights Inn it is for us too... I haven't had any major issues there and have sleep in a lot worse along with paying a lot more. All I do there is sleep, take a shower and run out the door. The parking lot party will go on!

Just got off the phone... Room booked at Knights Inn.
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Bronco Guru
Aug 13, 2004
Maybe Im getting old but Im sticking to my move to the roadway! Gonna get plenty a good sleep ya'll better be gitty up! In the mornings I will be.

Since every one is on this thread I wanna put in 1 vote to move drivers meetings to 8am, 2 trails before lunch doesn't seem like we getting in enough wheelin in the mornings.......jus saying!

Im fireproof! btw


Mar 8, 2007
Since every one is on this thread I wanna put in 1 vote to move drivers meetings to 8am, 2 trails before lunch doesn't seem like we getting in enough wheelin in the mornings.......jus saying!

Im fireproof! btw

So we can put you in charge of rounding everyone up for that?

can't hardly get everyone rounded up by 9 as it is, lol


Jr. Member
Mar 17, 2013
First trip.

I booked at Knights because was told that was where the Bronco party was. LOL, my son and I are coming for first time. How many total are in at Knights inn?


Bronco Guru
Nov 13, 2004
I'm sure there will be more than plenty of us at Knights Inn. We always bring our own party! Lol


Bronco God
Jan 6, 2002
I'm in agreement with most. I've not had big problems at Knights. Small problems, yes but the party in the parking makes up for it. Chad (FJ40 to 1/2 cab Bronco convert) has made reservations at Knights as well as myself. There will still be a large group of us I'm sure. By the way, the breakfast at the park is fantastic in the morning. Biscuits and gravy, breakfast burritos, and breakfast sandwiches. They even have pretty darn good coffee!
Besides, I need to be closer to the park since Nyles is gett'n them boyz rounded up for an early drivers meeting. ;)


Bronco God
Jan 6, 2002
I booked at Knights because was told that was where the Bronco party was. LOL, my son and I are coming for first time. How many total are in at Knights inn?

I know of 11 that have said they have reservations for knights. There's probably parties in other places but Knights always seems the funniest. The patrol that comes through doesn't give us much hassle either. I think they treat us pretty good for as loud we can get. We even lucky to have live music with Brandon.


Bronco God
Jun 16, 2001
I booked at Knights because was told that was where the Bronco party was. LOL, my son and I are coming for first time.

Looking forward to meeting you and your son :cool:

And hey, nice buck you got in the garage there too ;D


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