Well, enuff of that goofin' and spoofin'. I'm burnin' daylight here, not to mention life expectancy. So let's get back to skinning some knuckles, boltin' some bolts and siting some seats.
Today I evolved a bit. A short time back, I set the wired-up dash somewhere near where it belongs, but not near enough to continue the wiring that I don't know anything about'
Started here

on some support legs, and evolved it over to here, hanging on small ropes.
Want to know a little tip that helped a fair amount? I loosely fastened the angle brackets to the bottom of the dash, and then loosely inserted and finger tightened the top bolt of the kick panel on both sides, There. Next I began, one by one, inch by inch, step by step, string wires to where they might go, maybe. Lesee, temp wire, oil pressure wire, driving lights wires, MC brake pressure wire.
Btw, does anyone know if this is a Gen III aternator?

As I was leaving, I just had to take one more pic, beacuse, like Ken said, I found myself curiously aroused.
And when I got home, I found a care package from Amamart with screws and nuts and AN MC fitings. Color me content.

Howard in beautiful west Michigan