Been a busy couple week tightening up the little things...
*My 12 year old and I rebuilt the Carb while my 16 year old serviced the spark plugs, drained the oil, changed the filter, and refilled the oil. That was an awesome day.
Started the Bronco, and to my surprise the rebuild worked. Super rich at the moment but I'll be messing with mixture a bit as we go. Used the good old long line into a mobile gas jug as source. I gotta say, I'm impressed with the manual pumps ability to pull gas. Took maybe 10 seconds to fill the filter and shoot out in all directions from the loose clamp fittings at the carb.
*Added the rear diff shims to account for the pinon angle and lift springs... took some banging around, rigging with straps pulling different directions, some vice clamps, and sledge hammer... but it is done and the pinon looks much happier now.
*Installed extended drive shaft.
Started the Bronco again just to test my ability to avoid carbon dioxide poisoning while enjoy the thumping sound of American muscle and cold Coors light, and the Star Spangled Banner playing in the background! Turns out about two beers worth of the CO2 is all I can take.
*Re-installed stock gas tank with BRAND NEW fuel pickup/sending unit... only to find a
pinhole leak on the BRAND NEW part again... Drained the fuel all over myself bringing the tank down, re-ordered and re-installed BRAND NEW fuel pickup/sending unit. No leaks this time.
*New fuel filler hoses.
*New stainless locking tailgate latch.
Started the bronco again. Took video next to the tail pipe capturing the sound of a 2 into 1, 2.5 pipe through 2 chamber flow master to all my Jeep buddies with their cute little V6's.
*Tailgate silencer kit with new bump stops... This tail gate on my 74 is now about 100 times tighter than the tailgate on my 04. Can't wait to see if I hear any rattles with it at all.
*New License plate light with new rubber gromets for the wiring. Figured those would give me all kinds of trouble but they were honestly very easy. I guess new rubber vs 50 year rubber makes a difference.
*Finished up the Winters Shifter install, cut the trans cross member, and cycled the gears. Seems to work as expected.
Started the Bronco again just because.
*Finished drilling all the holes and secured the roll cage completely. The drilling has been killing me as I burn through bits daily. Finally spent more than 2 bucks on a decent set of metal bits and wouldn't you know it... they actually drill through
*Finished the frame and diff. mounted Stainless brake line set. I paid extra for the upgraded braided front brake flexible hoses... but the kit was missing the adapter between the hard line and flexible line. That took a half day of driving around trying to find the adapters. Funniest part was at Auto Zone trying to explain to the 20 something person that they just need to bring me their adapter bin and let me have at it. They couldn't get away from year, make, and model... hahahahaha
*Attempted to install steering shaft between IDidIT and 4x4x2 box only to find out the WCB adapter plate I used pushed the box outward just enough to interfere with the inner fender well clearance.
*Cut the clearance hole on the fender....
And now here we are, getting ready to test my sheet metal skills patching the inner fender. We'll see how it goes.
I forget how fun wrenching in the garage can be when parts actually work as designed. Also fun having to figure out the puzzle of these things at times.