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Search results

  1. sanndmann3

    Cheap electric onboard air setups

    Off topic but can I camp with you? I promise not to have any flat tires... lol Seems like a cheap compressor that flows alot of air is kind of like a unicorn... Engine driven compressor or power tank seems like the best option.
  2. sanndmann3

    Cheap electric onboard air setups

    The price on that one... yikes!
  3. sanndmann3

    np205 fit issues?

    If you are talking about the rubber mount, It came off the donor Explorer that provided the transmission and adapter housing. Specifically, 98 Explorer, but any 96-01 will do.
  4. sanndmann3

    Repair a cracked cast iron intake manifold?

    If brazing or jb welding, might be a good idea to stop drill the ends of the cracks so they don't continue to spread? Just a thought...
  5. sanndmann3

    My new Bronco hauler

    Nice! Don't take them all, save some for the rest of us... ;)
  6. sanndmann3

    The Bronco with a young family.

    Nice! When you have time to play, it will be there waiting for ya! 8-)
  7. sanndmann3

    Finally! '75 LUBR Before/After

    Beautiful truck! Very nice 8-)
  8. sanndmann3

    Which type of wrencher are you?

    Definitely have garage clothes. And they get pretty greasy then go to the rag pile...
  9. sanndmann3

    How many project broncos/vehicles do you own

    Always take my one Bronco apart in the winter for projects/upgrades... its getting cold out and currently up on jackstands...
  10. sanndmann3

    Shop Manual

    Congrat on the purchase and welcome aboard. You found the best message board on the web! 8-)
  11. sanndmann3

    New "Shaky Bronco" decals

    :) I was thinking the same thing... sending the link to my wife for gift ideas coming up in less than 2 months...
  12. sanndmann3

    Car and Driver article on the Maxlider 66 bronco

    Totally agree. If it found its way in my garage it would probably be the 1st thing I changed... but to each his own.
  13. sanndmann3

    Battery dead again

    start by pulling all the fuses and confirm with a meter that there is no current draw. then plug in fuses one by one while checking with a meter...bhopefully that helps narrow it down quickly.
  14. sanndmann3

    What's your favorite bronco shirt?

    sent you an email... looking for xl
  15. sanndmann3

    What's your favorite bronco shirt?

    I like it! any links to where I can find another?
  16. sanndmann3

    np205 fit issues?

    Here they are, sorry for the delay... A couple caveats: I have a 2" body lift. If you are running less, your opening will probably be smaller. I am running a custom twin stick. Actually 2 Ford shifters on a custom shoulder bolt. used threaded rods and rod ends for the linkages. I think your...
  17. sanndmann3

    Clutch/Fan removal, 5.0 Explorer

    I never liked how the wrench on the right worked (waterpump pulley). found this one which worked better but didn't want to pay the price...
  18. sanndmann3

    New to Broncos

    Welcome aboard! Best website on the internet is right here... And couldn't agree more with the above statement!
  19. sanndmann3

    np205 fit issues?

    My exhaust is custom. the mufflers are outside the frame rails and it dumps in front of the rear tires. I've read on here that you can clock the 205 to make room for more conventional routing... no 1st hand experience though... For the shifters, they are pretty much in the same location. My...
  20. sanndmann3

    np205 fit issues?

    Last set is the 205 installed in the truck. In addition to the custom cross member, I made another support that ties into the inspection cover. Used a thicker piece of stock to replace the cover... I also used the factory mount for the 205 on the drivers side rear. The 205 is about 30-40 pounds...