When I was 16 my fathers company had a old rotted out bronco, 170, 3 on the tree, etc they used to plow the parking lot, and run little erands with. When I go my licence he told me I could have it if I worked in the warehouse, and pay him a few hunded bucks for it. At the same time he had a 76 bronco that he drove.
Even though it was a peice of shit, heat never really worked, had no power, used more oil than gas, I still loved it, and have never been able to get these trucks out of my mind. After fixing it up a little I sold it a few years later to a guy who was going to use it to plow his parking lot. Well the next year we got no snow, and he asked me if I wanted it back. So I bought it agai, drove it through college, and then sold it again.
Ever since then I allways wanted another one, so a five years ago I found the one I have now, and even though mine isn't anything real special, I love it. I also have a 700HP Lightning, drag/show truck, but I still drive the Bonco much more than the Lightning.
Plus I can tell you one thing, Chicks dig broncos ;D