Jr. Member
Awesome pix Randy! Getting me through working all weekend and 12 hour days all week!
Thanks for the pics Randy!!! What was Bernie smoking ???
The motor!!
he was not going to back down that hill..
Whats that guy on the end looking at?? ;D
Whats that guy on the end looking at?? ;D
Saturday update.
My Bronco broke a Detroit locker or something in the rear, only had 1 wheel drive, it did not leave camp.
The ER nurse asked if it was work-related - I said no, it was fun-related. ;D
Diagnosis - couple of cuts (1 down to the tendon but no tendon damage) requiring 3 stitches and the tip of my ring finger fractured. Happened so fast I am not sure exactly how it happened. We were rolling a big rock into position and I caught my hand between the rock and a tree.